Elizabeth Came First ... (The Monarchy Chronology Song)


Elizabeth came first then James, then Charles, Charles James.
Elizabeth came first then James, then Charles, Charles James.

Charles Stuart was dead, so Cromwell ruled instead.
First the English Civil War, then the monarchy Restored.

Elizabeth came first then James, then Charles Charles James.
Elizabeth came first then James, then Charles Charles James.

Charles II had tact, habeas corpus act.
No execution, in the Glorious Revolution

William and Mary took democracy to new heights. Gave more freedoms, and signed the Bill of Rights.
Still I am confused about history, someone explain chronology.
All these monarch names, they all sound the same.

Elizabeth came first then James, then Charles, Charles James.
Elizabeth came first then James, then Charles, Charles James.
Throw Cromwell in somewhere, you probably don’t care where.
Just don’t forget the rest, or you’ll surely fail your test.


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